I hope everyone’s had a great winter season! As we say goodbye to February and look ahead to Spring, don’t forget about your basic bicycle maintenance. If you haven’t yet, look to making an appointment at your local bike shop for a tune-up. Having your parts professionally cleaned and giving the bike a good look over will not only make you faster and prolong the life of your bike, but it can also help keep you safe. The longer you wait, the longer the wait will be as the more casual bike riders flood into the shop once the weather starts to turn nice. Also, as I’ve stressed before, it always helpful to have a positive relationship with your local bike shop if you need something fixed quickly for a race.
Also, even though we have not had a lot of snow, there’s still sand, pot holes and other debris in the street. The weather has been good for riding, but be safe out there!
Let me know if you have any questions.
Ron P.