The second indoor time trial, The St. Patty’s Day Slugfest, will be held on March, 22nd and will cost $20, benefitting the Blazeman Foundation. February’s event was tons of fun and even if you don’t want to ride, you may enjoy coming down to cheer and see what’s all about! Details from Lisbeth Kenyon have been posted at the bottom of this email.
Also, on March 15th is the 1st Time Triathlon Clinic at Rhode Runner on South Main Street. If you are new to the sport, I highly recommend you attend. Details below.
MAR15Newton Tri-DaySaturday, 10 AM – 2 PMTriathlons are one of the toughest events around these days and we love the fact that Rhode Island and Southern New England has such a great Tri Community. With clubs like Tri-New England and the Fuel Belt Racing Team it’s no wonder the community is so vibrant.
One big brand amongst the Triathlete crowd is Newton and Rhode Runner will be carrying them come this spring. To celebrate we’re hosting a Tri Day on March 15th. We’ve got some cool things planned see below for more information:
10am – Natural Running Form Clinic.
11am – Newton Demo Group Run.
12pm – First Time Triathlon Clinic from Peter Russo of Russo Racing – In this clinic we will cover some tips for the first time triathlete or relative newcomer for all three sports, Swim, Bike and Run. We will also talk a little about transitions and how to handle those and what distance Triathlon might be the best one for you to start with. After a short 20 to 30 min presentation we will do a question and answer session.
12:30pm – Injury Prevention clinic with Mike Silva of Foundation Performance.
11am to 2pm – Save 15% on all Newton Footwear and Fuelbelt product. Enjoy some Gatorade Endurance after your run courtesy of Fuelbelt and get some coaching advice from the legend Peter Russo of Russo Racing.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Ron P.
Subject: St. Patrick’s Day Slug Fest Indoor TT, Saturday March 22
Dear PainCave Patrons,
Our THIRD Annual St. Patrick’s Day Slug Fest Indoor Time Trial will be held at TriFitLab on Saturday, March 22, 2014! Spots have already started to fill so no time to be shy. This competition is for ALL abilities! We promise it’s a lot of fun. Painfully fun. Coffee and donuts for the early heats. Water, Gatorade and beer.
The most improved brave soul regardless of gender (defined as % of original time) from the Valentine’s Day Massacre will go home with a special prize.
Entry Fee is $20 and the charity as always is Blazeman Foundation for ALS Research ( This event is separate from your ride passes. When you add yourself to one of the TT sessions, we will deposit the ride back to your online account. You can pay the $20 via PayPal to or the day of with cash, check or credit card. If you want a receipt for tax purposes, please write a check directly to Blazeman Foundation.
Heats will start every hour on the hour from 7am til 1pm. Eight riders per heat. The course is the same Central Park 6 miler as the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre – rolling hills with a short uphill finish. It will take 15-20 minutes depending on speed. Please show up 15 mins before your heat. We will weigh everyone and complete a pre-set 10 minute warmup course to ensure that all Computrainers are calibrated properly. We check tires for flats or slow leaks after each heat and must unfortunately disqualify you if you are unlucky since the calibration change associated with a leak will give you an advantage.
How to enter:
Go to, click the ‘Next Week’ tab and add yourself to one of the sessions (or email me and I will do all this for you).
Big Guns Session at noon: if you were top 8 overall last month (result at, you have first dibs to the Big Guns Session. This will be a crazy competitive heat. 35 seconds separated 1st and 8th.
For those who are in heavy Boston training, please stop by to cheer and put some dollars in the Blazeman collection bucket.
Be Brave!
Todd and Lisbeth