Trail Running News & Information

Whether you are new to trail running or you’ve been living in the woods for some time now, we are happy you are interested! Trail running is a great way to experience nature, explore New England, and most importantly, enjoy food with friends at buffet-style aid stations.

Our main methods of communication are through Facebook and email. If you have Facebook, please feel free to request to join Trail Runners of New England. We use this group mainly to post information about upcoming trail races, but members can also make plans to run together. We do not currently have scheduled group runs. We encourage members to comment on trail races that they have run in the past and/or to make plans to carpool or sign up to run as an RMHP team.

If you would like to learn more, please contact Bill.

Local Trail Runs

Getting Started

Trail Runs Throughout New England



New Hampshire



Other Trail Runs

Off-road Races

Share your Recommendations

Which trails have you found that you think others would like for fun outing, a challenging run, and anything in between? Any great races you’ve done or heard about? Additional ideas?  What’s best to include here/our contact info?

Share on the RMHP’s Trail Runners of New England FB page

Stay up to date on more news & info

Advice for Runners

Winter Running Tips

This time of year, it’s easy to fall into the trap of waiting for better weather the next day and the next and the next, until suddenly it’s April and time for Wednesday night workouts. Running through the winter is a whole lot easier than getting back into shape in...

Selecting Running Shoes

See what the research shows can be important in selecting the right running shoe: SELECTING RUNNING SHOES...        

Kettlebell Exercises for Runners

How to use a kettlebell as the “best bang for your buck” strength training tool a runner can have.  Hit your glutes, quads, core and upper body with these few kettlebell exercises.

Why Maintaining Good Hip Mobility Is So Important

Hip mobility is essential to generate power while running. Here are a few simple hip mobility exercises for pre-run, post-run, rest day, or just anytime you feel like it.

3 ways to Building Core Strength; Making You a Better Runner

Dr. Brian Hay demonstrates a plank, modifications, and ways to progress the exercises to increase the intensity to make sure you are building a stronger core. A stronger core will give you more stability and make you faster, more efficient, and stay injury-free....

Two simple exercises to keep you hip, knees, and spine healthy

Running is mostly a linear activity for your joint movements. This results in imbalances in your hip muscles, particularly those involved in the rotation. The muscles that rotate your hip help to control your spine and knee positioning and are often ignored in...

2 Simple Exercises to Improve Your Running Power

Stability and Power are critical for runners. Stability is needed from the moment the foot hits the ground to the moment it leaves. The ability to generate power can minimize the amount of time the foot is in contact with the ground. The combination results in...

Strong Running Needs Strong Glutes

One of the more underutilized muscles in runners is their glutes. The glutes play a huge role in propelling us forward during the gait cycle. The more you can tap into the strength of this muscle the more effective and efficient your running will become. Here is an...

Enjoy improved hip mobility, and better running

Do you know that lack of hip motion is one of the most common causes of running injuries? With a few hip mobility exercises from the good folks at Highbar Physical Therapy, you can do you can help keep your hips flexible and ready to run.  ...

Quick 2-minute Warm Up

Only 2 minutes to Warm-Up?  This “Microwave Warm Up” will get it done.      

20-minute mobility workout to boost your performance

Danielle Monreau, a physical therapist at Performance PT, takes you through a 20-minute mobility work-out that is a great tool to boost your performance and recovery on days you aren’t running. All you'll need is an exercise mat or towel to protect your knees.

Body-weight exercise video

Highbar Physical Therapy is proud to partner with Brown Athletics to bring you this on-demand exercise video.  Physical Therapist and former professional lacrosse player, Dr. Bobby Dattilo leads this 22-minute body-weight exercise program. All you'll need is an...

Exercises to avoid late-race leg fatigue

Want to avoid late-race leg fatigue? Dr. Brian Hay, DPT, MS, OCS, demonstrates the split (Bulgarian) squat. Add these few strengthening exercises to your routine 2x/week.

The Effects of Iron Deficiency on Running Performance

If you’re iron deficient, your running could suffer, according to Dr. Dheeraj Khiatani (Medical Director) & Tim Cushway (Founder & Director) from The Iron Suites Medical Centre. (This article was posted originally on the Global Run Club website.) ------ Iron...

One Minute Exercises to Help Keep your Hip, Knee and Spine Healthy

Stay Healthy, Stay ConsistentRunning is a mostly a linear activity, which results in imbalances in our hip muscles.  The muscles that rotate our hip help to control our spine and knee position and are often ignored in strengthening programs.  Here are 2 exercise to do...

Running Injury and Prevention Presentation

Here's a Fit to Run Presentation by Alexis William PTA and Brian Hay DPT, OCS Topics covered: Is there anything holding you back from your best running? How to perform a dynamic warm up Understanding the role of running mechanics How to assess your own mobility and...

Goal Setting for Training Motivation

During these times where we cannot meet at the track for a formal workout, motivation to push yourself harder may wane. Indeed, for many club members, motivation to lace up their shoes and hit the pavement comes from preparing for a race and/or running with friends....